In the world of healthcare, precision and performance are paramount, and this is especially true when it comes to surgical procedures. Whether you're a general surgeon or a dental specialist, the quality of your surgical instruments can make a world of difference. OxyMed, your trusted partner in the healthcare industry, offers a curated range of surgical instruments for general and dental surgery sourced from renowned manufacturers, catering to the specific needs of both general and dental practitioners.

The Art of Precision: General Surgery

General surgery covers a wide array of procedures, from appendectomies to hernia repairs and more. Ensuring the surgeon has access to the right tools is essential for patient care. OxyMed's collection of general surgical instruments, sourced from reputable manufacturers, combines precision engineering with the durability required in the operating room. Here's a glimpse of what we offer:

Scalpels: Our scalpels, sourced from leading manufacturers, provide exceptional control and sharpness, making incisions clean and precise.

Forceps: Designed for secure and delicate tissue handling, our forceps ensure minimal trauma during surgery.

Needle Holders: With ergonomic grips and durable materials, our sourced needle holders are the surgeon's trusted companion.

Surgical Scissors: From Mayo scissors to Metzenbaum scissors, our range covers all cutting needs efficiently.

Retractors: OxyMed's sourced retractors are crafted for optimal tissue exposure while maintaining patient safety.

Surgical Drapes and Gowns: We offer sterile and comfortable drapes and gowns sourced from reputable manufacturers, essential for maintaining aseptic conditions in the operating room.

Precision at Your Fingertips: Dental Surgery

Dental surgery demands a unique set of instruments designed for intricate oral procedures. OxyMed understands the precision required in this field and offers dental instruments sourced from top manufacturers that dental professionals can rely on. Here's a glimpse of our dental instrument selection:

Dental Forceps: Our dental forceps, sourced from renowned manufacturers, are crafted to extract teeth with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues.

Periodontal Instruments: Designed for periodontal surgery, our instruments sourced from top manufacturers ensure precise treatment of gum diseases.

Oral Surgery Kits: OxyMed provides comprehensive oral surgery kits sourced from reputable manufacturers, ensuring convenience and efficiency for dental practitioners.

Scalers and Curettes: Our dental scalers and curettes, sourced from top manufacturers, are precision-engineered for effective and gentle cleaning of teeth and gums.

Endodontic Instruments: We offer a range of endodontic instruments sourced from leading manufacturers, designed for root canal procedures.

Dental Mirror and Probes: Our mirrors and probes, sourced from reputable manufacturers, allow thorough examination and diagnosis with ease.


Surgical instruments are the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry. OxyMed's commitment to precision and performance means that whether you're a general surgeon or a dental specialist, you can rely on our instruments for the best possible patient care. When it comes to healthcare, the right tools matter, and with OxyMed, you're always equipped for success.

Equip your practice with the finest surgical instruments sourced from trusted manufacturers. Contact OxyMed today and let us be your partner in providing the best care for your patients.