Lab Equipment

Lab Equipment

Oxymed offers an extensive range of high-quality lab equipment designed to meet the diverse needs of modern laboratories. From essential tools like microscopes, centrifuges, and spectrophotometers to advanced analytical instruments, our equipment is built for precision, reliability, and durability. Whether you are in research, healthcare, education, or industry, Oxymed provides the right equipment to enhance your lab’s capabilities. With a commitment to excellence, we ensure that each piece of equipment delivers accurate results and withstands the demands of rigorous laboratory work.


Digital Microscope

Hematology Analyzers

Blood Gas Analyzer

Chemistry Analyzers

Urinalysis Analyzers

DNA Analyzers

Immunoassay Analyzers

Electrolyte Analyzer

ESR Analyzer

Biological Safety Cabinets

ELISA Microplate Reader



Magnetic Stirrers & Hotplates

Shakers & Mixers